Saturday, June 16, 2012

GBBD June 2012

Late yet again - but yesterday was the first proper summer's day so far this year, so everyone was out making the most of it. We have had never-ending hot dry winds, and when there has been some rain the 'mistral' type winds came back and dried the ground even more than before.
The rose blooms have either been blown away or dessicated on the plants. However a lot of yellow and gold coloured flowers are coming through. Some old favourites like achillea, senoccio, helichrysum, heremocallis and hypericum, but also new (to me) cistus tardiflora, tanacetum densum, achillea 'terracotta' and glaucium. Also new low growing teucrium aureum and t. divaricatum are doing well. The gold is brought 'down to earth' by deep blue little bulbs Brodiaea, scabious and the first buddleia and lavender coming through. Happy Bloom day to everyone and thanks to Carol at May Dreams Garden for the meme. Y

1 comment:

scottweberpdx said...

I love the mix of blues and yellows you've got going on...just lovely!