Friday, February 15, 2013

GBBD February 2013

WE are still in mid winter and have been subjected to endless wet, cold windy weather, even snow. The water is a Godsend and I must not complain. Very cold at night - down to minus 6 degress C sometimes, which sadly destroyed my otherwise impressive cauliflowers.  Meanwhile someone has broken into the veg patch and eaten to tops off the broad beans, leeks and even spring onins. J'accuse Hare.
Some flowers still appear and brighten our days. Even the humble winter jasmine is welcome. The first flowers on Coronilla Glauca just out.
 I would show you more pictures of dwarf iris but they have all been dug up and eaten.
 Anenome seems less palatable though.
 Little species crocus are a delight but rather sparse - I don't think the bulbs I planted the previous year have reflowered.
Thank you to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting this Bloom Day.

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