Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pond life - Insect life (3)

The plumber has called and he has fixed the faulty part in the pump control mechanism - so the water tank is starting to fill up again. Relief!
The insects zooming around the pond were none the wiser, thank goodness, disaster averted. I have finally managed to get a snap of the big turquoise Dragonfly as he was soaring around the big yellow digger - somehow reminiscent of 'Diving bell & butterfly'? Also the yellow Damselflies have taken a liking to the reed that grows next to the big rock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cara Yvonne,

Thanks again for your tips and hints concerning lavenders. And Grazie Dio, your well works again. It seems to consume a lot of your energy. Hope you can enjoy a swim inbetween "disasters".

By the way... a stupid question, I am sure, but.... do plants keep insects away. Or how do you biologically manage to keep them away?????

Bacione, Ingrid