Wednesday, June 4, 2008

May - days of rain and roses

The roses this year have been absolutely fabulous - thanks to the never ending rain. The blooms are short lived though as the petals get dashed to the ground. Flowering at the same time are Cistus, Salvias and irises of all kinds. The whole garden is an explosion of colour - wild poppies make red punctuation dots all over. Even the tall green Euphorbia is voluptuous and sets off the other plants around it.
The veg patch does not get the attention it deserves as the weather is still too bad and there are embarassing areas full of weeds. The broad beans have been good but the porcupine got in and feasted on beans and peas. Radish have thrived in the wet conditions and are less appetising to wild animals. I have managed to get some lettuces, tomatoes, aubergines and courgettes planted though and they are putting on a lot of growth. Question: should I pinch out the side shoots on 'vine' tomato plants?

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