Sunday, September 16, 2012

GBBD September 2012

The garden is experiencing a second spring. Growth has resumed with a great rush following the torrential rain and north winds of two days ago. The new foliage is in itself a pleasing sight - the morning light on the Agnus castus or the Rosa sanguinea, for example.
Many blue and purple flowers are in evidence - Caryopteris is especially fine and the new variegated version 'Summer sorbet' is very decorative. Perovskia has been in bloom relentlessly since June and whilst is is looking a bit dusty now, it is still welcome.
Tulbaghia is a faithful friend and the Leucophyllum frutescens is flowering for the first time.
Less colourful but very much appreciated nonetheless are the sedums and new (to me) ornamental grass Stipa capillata.
Warm colours ae provided by Epilobium 'Western Hills' and Salvia microphylla which have been in bloom for ages and should keep going for a while yet.
Choisya ternata is obliging with a second blooming 
But already my order of new little plants from Olivier Filppi has arrived and they are waiting to be assigned their new homes.
Thank you to Carol at May Dreams Garden for hosting this meme and happy end of summer to everyone.

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