Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cistus - why do we see so few in Italian gardens?

Wild cistus
 Cistus is a wild flower that grows on the scrubby rocks or 'garigue' along the roadside here.
In the garden cistus is invaluable: it will tolertate extremely poor conditions and drought. Most cistus also seem to be resistent to the cold. I could not have managed without this plant to cover unsightly piles of rubble and to underplant shrubs not to mention the colourful planting on the teraces. But many Italians do not even know that it exists as a garden plant. Colours and patterns of flowers are very varied and some grow tall whereas others as low growing. There is even a later flowering Yellow 'tardiflorens'. What's not to like?

1 comment:

unrosetoinviacerreto said...

I love the cyst.
I saw them the first time, several years ago, during a trip to rose gardens in Umbria.
Since then I bought several, but not all varieties bear the cold.
Now I'm trying to learn when you can make cuttings to multiply.
The yellow one I had ever seen.
In recent years, are sold at fairs and gardening prices also
quite high.
Maybe it will be discovered and appreciated for years to come, when the lack of
water will force us to choose plants that they want little.