Monday, October 22, 2012

GB Foliage Day

The terraces after their autumn trim: cistus, teucrium, helianthus, lavender, rosemary (the last one I will trim in spring).


Christina said...

Hi Yvonne, thanks for joining in GBFD; I don’t usually trim my Cistus but I notice they have put on so much new growth this autumn that maybe I should. Christina

Anonymous said...

Hi, I hope you will continue this blog !
You are a member of MGS. Can you recomment it and are there any activities of the local branches in Italy ? If you were kind enough to answer perhaps just with MGS I would send you my email-adress.
Kind regards

Yvonne said...

Ciao Sylvia
Thank you for making contact. Yes the MGS is very active in Italy - we hold a number of events each year and try to cover the whole country. Happy to discuss further.

Yvonne said...

Here is the website for MGS Italy Branch. You can also contact the Branch Head, Angela Durnford, direct by clicking on her name: