I have been travelling again and so rather late for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day but I hope that Carol at May Dreams Garden will forgive me - there is still a surprising amount blooming here and I would like to share it. Summer seems to have continued right into November although the last two nights have been touching zero and days are now about 5C coole than before. Stars of the show in the garden now are Salvias - brilliant reds, pinks and purples. Also Epilobium Canum ' Western Hills' with its warming orange-red flowers. Gaura is still blooming and the rosemary has come back for tis autumn flowering. Welcome with densely packed white flowers is winter savory. Little cyclamen have returned in the shaded areas beneath trees. Even some roses are blooming, especially the Old China. Of course we have brilliant berries on the cotoneaster and the ornamental grasses are a delight with their feathery plumes. Leaves on the trees are golden shades but the show is less intense and shorter lived here than in cooler regions. The vineyard is all aglow and we are harvesting our olives. Happy autumn Y
Great images, Yvonne, I think Salvia's do better in late summer, autumn than mid summer, they always need more water than you expect. I think the rose I called china rose is what you know as Old china from the form of the flowers, I'll have to try to remember that. Christina, hope you can join in foliage day tomorrow.
This blog is all about how to cope with gardening in continental climate. All the books and TV programmes talk about 'Mediterranean gardening' but few places actually have a classic Med climate - hot dry summers, cool wet winters. My garden is 450m above sea level and temperatures reach over 40 degrees C in summer but drop down to -8 degrees C at times in winter. How to cope with about 50 degrees temperature range? It requires a whole different approach and I cannot find any books that really help, especially regarding cultivation of vegetable & fruit.
Better late than never indeed! Love the Gaura...why don't I have any yet in my garden?!? Must put it on the list for next year :-)
Great images, Yvonne, I think Salvia's do better in late summer, autumn than mid summer, they always need more water than you expect. I think the rose I called china rose is what you know as Old china from the form of the flowers, I'll have to try to remember that. Christina, hope you can join in foliage day tomorrow.
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